Olive Oil Cake Recipe


Your cakes will taste delightfully moister and have a deeper flavor when you bake with olive oil. This delicious recipe for olive oil cake is proof of how versatile this Mediterranean staple is. With citrus and a hint of honey, the delicately fruity flavors of olive oil mix to make a cake that works well for any celebration. Together, let's set out to make this tasty and moist dessert.


Regarding the Cake:

A cup and a half of all-purpose flour and a half-teaspoon of baking powder

  • Three large eggs, at room temperature - 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • One cup of sugar, grated
  • Half a cup of virgin olive oil
  • Half a cup full milk
  • One tsp vanilla essence
  • One lemon's zest
  • A single orange's zest

Regarding the Syrup:

  • 1/4 cup honey; - 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/4 cup juice from fresh oranges
  • 1/4 cup of newly squeezed lemonade

For the Optional Garnish:

  • Powdered sugar -
  • Freshly cut citrus segments 
  •  Freshly chopped herbs such as thyme or rosemary


Regarding the Cake:

  1. First, preheat the oven: Set the oven temperature to 350°F (175°C). Butter and dust a 9-inch circular cake pan.
  2. Stir together the dry ingredients: Mix the baking powder, salt, and all-purpose flour in a medium-sized bowl. Put this arid blend away.
  3. Beat Sugar and Eggs: Using an electric mixer, beat the eggs and granulated sugar in a sizable mixing dish. It should take around three to four minutes to beat the mixture until it is pale and slightly thickened.
  4. Incorporate Flavors and Olive Oil: Add the whole milk, orange and lemon zests, vanilla essence, and extra virgin olive oil gradually. Mix everything together until it's all nicely blended.
  5. Combine the Dry Elements: When you have a smooth batter, gradually add the dry components to the wet ones and stir.
  6. Recipe: Fill the cake pan with the prepared cake batter. A toothpick put into the center should come out clean after baking for 30 to 35 minutes in a preheated oven.
  7. Cool: After taking the cake out of the oven, allow it to cool for ten minutes or so in the pan. After that, move it to a wire rack to finish cooling.

Regarding the Syrup:

  1. Get the Syrup Ready: Prepare the syrup while the cake cools. Add the honey, granulated sugar, fresh orange and lemon juice, and both to a small pot. Stirring constantly, cook over low heat until the sugar dissolves. Simmer for three to four minutes to give the syrup a minor thickening.
  2. Pour Glaze Over the Cake: After the cake cools, use a toothpick to make numerous holes in the top of the cake. Drizzle the cake with the heated citrus syrup gradually, letting it soak in.
  3. Optional Garnish: Garnish the cake with a sprig of fresh herbs, fresh citrus segments, or a sprinkling of powdered sugar, if you'd like.
  4. Cut and Present: After slicing, serve the olive oil cake. It tastes well with coffee or tea.

Notes on Recipe:

For optimal flavor, use extra virgin olive oil of superior grade. The citrus and honey are wonderfully complemented by the oil's delicious and somewhat peppery undertones.

  • To add some additional texture to this cake, you can add chopped walnuts or almonds.

You can increase the amount of lemon or orange zest in the cake batter if you'd like it to have a stronger citrus taste.

  • To ensure that the cake absorbs the flavors fully, let it cool before adding the syrup.

A tribute to the deliciousness of olive oil, citrus, and honey is this olive oil cake. Its distinct tastes will wow your guests and make it the ideal dessert for any occasion. Have fun!

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